Thu. May 2nd, 2024

In a world that’s getting smaller by the day, it’s tempting to stick to what we know. To clam up, to cloister ourselves and fawn over the pearls of what we already know to be true. But in this era of fleeting thoughts and lightning-fast ideas, where a journey across the globe is just a click away, there’s a call for the bold. A call for the adventurers, the Ibn Battutas, Xuanzangs and Gertrude Bells of today.

I found echoes of their spirit in the people I met on my journeys. These modern explorers share more than just the road; they share stories of fleeting moments that hold more value than time itself.

I ventured into the world on a one-way ticket to Africa and a degree in archaeology and creative writing. That was back in 2012. I joined an excavation on a Nabatean site in Jordan, falling in love with the Jordaniann NOW, the Bedouin now. Let’s not forget the past but never shall we neglect the present in history’s favor.

I relearned the value of writing. Not just to share my own tale or to learn from others, but to ignite that spark in others. The spark that pushes you to put on those boots, hit the road, and embrace the unknown. It was when I found myself alone in a foreign land, where my words were as alien as the moo of a cow, and my culinary adventures were often a mystery, that life’s passion hit me like a blazing sun.

The taste of the unknown was tantalizing, and I craved more. And that, my friends, is exactly why you need to embark on your own journey.

Let’s break free from the chains of fear. Our world is out there, ready to unravel its mysteries to anyone daring enough to ask. It will introduce you to the pulse of distant cultures and unfamiliar languages. You’ll savor strange foods and indulge in delightful cuisines, face perils and discover countless blessings.

So, let’s mark today as the first day of the rest of our lives. Take your power back from the hum-drum grind of mainstream grind culture. Realize that the same vapor toxicity that drives mindless consumerism is founded upon fabricated notions of success. You are already good enough. Any additional contributions are excess to the wealth that is you and just remember that. I’m trying to. We deserve empowerment. Let’s take that leap without peering over the edge. I’m here to encourage you to shed those training wheels and embrace the road less taken.

Ready? 行きましょ! Yallah, let’s go!


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By Nicholas Andriani


42 thoughts on “On the Road Less Traveled : A Personal Essay on the Path of Most Resistance and the Adventure That is Life.”
  1. How serendipitous of you to visit and me being led here for I will be going to Jordan within the next few weeks. I look forward to seeing that side of the world. Happy times!

  2. Great blog, Nicholas! I love it, I’d like to travel through the Middle East, Morocco, Egypt and Greece some day. All the very best with your memoirs! Cheers 🙂

  3. So very well put! Great words for such a noble message. This truly is an inspiration and I couln’t agree more. Well said, indeed! A Happy New Year, may it be a rich and colourful one! Godspeed.

  4. Nicholas-

    Find a copy of a book called “The Ruins; or, Meditation on the Revolutions of Empires and the Law of Nature” by Constantin Francois de Volney. If you cannot find it in print then download a free copy at:

    Written by a very young Frenchman who set out on a journey of discovery much like yourself back in 1789. Well worth the time and effort.

    Ken Curtis

  5. Amazing photo. I like your writing too. You liked my post on West Australian writers, so I thought I”d see what you were up to, and hit on an Aladdin’s Cave of treasures. Have you finished your book yet?

    1. I’m digging your blog, Man!
      Gah, sorry it’s taken a terribly long time to reply. I get so caught up in the world offline and become neglegent. So I do apologize.
      Not yet! I’m pushing to have a tight rough draft completed by the end of summer. Then to seek out an agent/contemplate publishing method… It’s a long road. Thanks for asking. Before long i’ll be posting random excerpts on the blog- wee teasers to get the word out and see what the public reception feels like.
      Hope all is well out there!

    1. Do it!
      Gah, I know it isn’t that easy. Bloody scary, really. There’s a delicate balance to be found between life on the road and that of security at home. Honestly, I have a great deal of downtime working odd jobs and generous support group to keep me afloat. With baby steps, anything can be accomplished 🙂
      Hope all is well out there!

  6. I love this message and hope that I can inspire people the way you are. Getting out of your comfort and into the world is the greatest thing a person can do, as far as I’m concerned. In fact, when my son finished high school, I gave him the little bit of money I’d saved for his college and told him that if he’d rather go travel with it, he could. And that’s what he did.

  7. Bold and beautiful, the idea of just marking the “x” and living there… Like being a prayer, in a way, rather than reciting it…

    Bravo, new friend.

  8. Nick – our travels overlap somewhat though I did it in the sixties. Thanks for coming by and liking my poem “Dancing with Perfidia”. It led me here. Regards

  9. What a fantastic post to start off 2014! I definitely share your sentiment to not be ruled by the culture of fear but instead to live life to the fullest. Your blog is fantastic and really inspiring. Well done you for booking a one way to ticket to Casablanca – a modern day renaissance man! By the way thanks for stopping by and liking my blog!

  10. Thank you for following my blog because now I have found you! This is fantastic! You are certainly a kindred spirit and I feel like so many sentences in this post should be placed on plaque’s, written in books, and shouted from the rooftops -.”Don’t be victimized by the culture of fear.Our planet is waiting to be explored, to reveal it’s secrets to you, to me, to any who dare ask, it will expose you to the raw truths of life” – Nicholas Andriani, 2014. 😉 And that’s just one! I shall be a loyal follower. Thank you and keep up the great work!

  11. AMEN to this “Don’t be victimized by the culture of fear” words to live by – and remind me to keep going towards my goal of permanent (and early retirement) wanderer.

  12. You’re the third prompt in the direction of daring today. It seems I must go to Poland via Bulgaria, instead of the comfort journey Sydney to Warsaw direct. For a start! Thank you

    1. Right on. Mission accomplished. That’s one journey I certainly want to follow. My best experiences were in slow travel. Crossing borders on foot with a rough draft itinerary and an X on the map, open for the world. Bulgaria is going to be a wild ride. I’m not too familiar with the modern republic, yet I know it’s had an incredible presence through history and that’s sure to reflect in the current.
      So what route will you be taking through Bulgaria? 🙂

    1. Wow, thank you for reblogging this post 😉 I can’t say that’s happened to me before. Gah, what a shot, eh? I’m still in disbelief that the camels were being such good subjects 🙂
      I’m going to have to rummage through your Zazzle shop, I could use a new Iphone case!

  13. One of my favourite quotes of all times is “Leap and the net will appear” ~John Burroughs.

    It says much of what you are saying here. Don’t be afraid. Everything will turn out fine. Just go. As a traveler, you know that sitting at home and making contingency plans is not as useful or as wise as it seems. Sure, make some plans. Good idea. Just know that something (several somethings, more like) is going to come up that you had no way to plan for, and THAT will actually be the critical turning point of your adventure. It will also turn out to be the best part of the story, when you re-tell it for others.

    Thank you so much for this message, because I am always ready to be reminded. The potential for being scared out of action is constantly present, and having a spirit like yours is the only way to address it: take off the training wheels, don’t be cautious, don’t be afraid.

    1. You must! It’s a very spiritual site. Pre-Islamic, Roman, Arab influences thriving and falling and thriving for 2,000+ years! Incredible! Thank you so much for reblogging this post.

    2. Great shot. Ironically I sensed that was Petra instantly, as it is such an archaeological favorite of mine as it is for so many others—even though I’ve never been. Shlama!

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