• Welcome to ‘Learn Play Innovate’ – Navigating the Convergence of Educational Technology, Game Design, and Learning Through Storytelling

    Let’s embark on a journey where education meets innovation and play. I’m an educational game designer, simulation designer, English teacher, and travel blogger, eager to guide your journey. Discover how the fusion of educational technology, game design, and cultural insights can transform learning into an engaging, immersive experience. Join me at as we explore the…

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  • Despite the spell Marrakech cast on me (I fled the city only to return on several occasions) I managed to break away one night on a whim, buying a ticket for the overnight train to Tangiers, only leaving myself 2 hours to prepare. I bid farewell to new friends and set out on foot hoping to…

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  • Here’s a quick sketch of the Parthenon from the rooftop of my hostel. Though the site had been occupied for millenniums it wasn’t until 447 BC that the Acropolis really hit the map. At the height of Athens’ “Golden Age” Pericles began a project in the name of Athina.  His building program went underway and 2,500 years later…

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  • After several months of eyeballing the various billboards and signage around KC, Jaclyn and I paid a visit to the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art. On display are some of the richest and most iconic portraits, still life and mixed media pieces to come out of Mexico since it’s founding. Amassed by Natasha & Jacques Gelman (expats…

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  • So i’ve spent the last two years writing about my experiences on the road. Istanbul, Marrakech, Barcelona… the list goes on. Scribbling about iconic cities thousands of miles away it’s easy to become adjusted to fixing one’s eyes on the horizon, even when some of the worlds most striking sites are right out your front…

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  • From Greece to Istanbul

    We had gotten lost so many times on the island of Crete that we decided to wake up and leave extra early for the airport, “just in case”. Our superior traveling skills got us there on time and although we were sad to leave our oasis behind at the cottage of Eleonas, we were decidedly…

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  • 8765.81 days later…

    Foolproof calculation suggests that I’m in fact 24 years old. 8765.81 days to be exact! Birthday celebrations always bring to mind the activities of birthdays past and the miles in between, many of which were spent among family back in Texas or as most recently over brunch with loved ones. A year ago however you…

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  • On the Road

    So this is where it all began. On an archaeological dig out in Jordan I found myself spending a little too much time wandering aimlessly through the country. After the longest, sleepless, most bone chilling night camping out in Petra I found these beautiful creatures. Running through the narrow Siq I was more than ready to get back…

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  • To Marrakech With love

    It’s about time I bring you up to speed. Excuse the short entry but I felt an update was in order. Within 48 hours, this happened… Austin, Texas to Casablanca, Morocco Waving goodbye to my loved ones I embarked on a 21 hour multi-flight jaunt over the Atlantic Ocean; Austin, Texas to Chicago, Illinois, then…

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Course Title: Pens and Pixels: Storytelling and Stories Across Media

I. Introduction
A. Course overview and objectives
B. Importance of storytelling in various media forms
C. Significance of media history and culture

II. Media History and Culture
A. Evolution of storytelling: from oral traditions to print media
B. Rise of mass media: newspapers, radio, and television
C. Impact of the internet and digital revolution on storytelling
D. Exploration of different media formats (books, films, comics, video games, etc.) and their unique storytelling techniques
E. Cultural influences on storytelling and media representation

III. Understanding Storytelling in Different Media Forms
A. Literary Narratives
1. Analysis of storytelling techniques in literature
2. Exploration of classic and contemporary literature
3. Comparative analysis of literature and other media forms

B. Cinematic Narratives
1. Introduction to film theory and analysis
2. Understanding visual storytelling techniques
3. Examination of influential films and directors

C. Sequential Art Narratives (Comics and Graphic Novels)
1. Understanding the visual language of comics
2. Analysis of narrative structure and panel-to-panel transitions
3. Exploration of various genres and styles in comics

D. Video Game Narratives
1. Introduction to video game studies
2. Analysis of narrative techniques in video games
3. Discussion on interactivity and player agency in storytelling
4. Examination of different game genres and storytelling approaches

IV. Intersections of Media Forms
A. Comparative analysis of storytelling techniques across different media
B. Transmedia storytelling: exploring narratives across multiple platforms
C. Convergence of media: the impact of digital platforms on storytelling

V. Media and Society
A. Cultural impact of media representations
B. Role of media in shaping public opinion and values
C. Media literacy and critical analysis of media messages

VI. Final Project
A. Students develop a multimedia project showcasing storytelling skills
B. Integration of various media forms to tell a cohesive narrative

VII. Conclusion
A. Recap of key concepts and themes covered throughout the course
B. Reflection on the importance of storytelling in contemporary media
C. Opportunities for further exploration in media studies and related fields